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“Dancing or how to use whatever happens to us
and make art out of it”

Anna halprin

Creative processes constitute a motor for change that facilitates personal and artistic development. 


Colette Mauri will help you develop your creative potential through:

- performances using various artistic media based on   movement, sounds, visuals

- exploration of creativity and improvisation

- development of your own artistic singularity and uniqueness

- practice of active methods

- use of theory

Internships & Workshops


Creative dance workshops

Creative and artistic dance workshops will help you develop your creative potential, your personal style and your own artistic language. By means of  playing and  improvisation using various artistic media, workshops release imagination and inventiveness and produce a composition embracing movement, sounds, words and visual objects. They often lead to public performances conceived as an encounter with the public. They are designed to suit the needs of an artistic project. 


Experiential  psycho-corporal workshops

These are based on experimentation involving psycho-corporal mediations encompassing words, sounds, plastic and visual arts. They call for a deeper approach using body expressiveness and freedom of expression and they aim at personal development within the group. Whether you join an individual course or a group course, the therapeutic effects will be undeniable.


Personalised coaching

These sessions are intended for those in search of evolution in their life

Personalised individual support is tailored to suit the needs of each person, whether it is for

- general wellbeing

- unleashing your creativity 

- allowing life changes to take place

- overcoming difficulties in personal relationships

They are based on dance-therapy and art-therapy. The therapeutic processes are implemented through the experimentation of psycho-corporal mediations that involve speech. These individual sessions can be a process of personal research to support a specific project. 


Training & Tuition

Training and teaching programs are designed for professionals and non-professionals alike and meet specific demands. 

They involve: 

- experimentations with psycho-corporal mediations, 

- development of professional practices, 

- use of theory

They take place in: 

- dance-therapy and art-therapy centres

- community centres

- social and medico-social centres

- paramedical and psychiatric institutions

- higher education centres

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